Tooling, Machining and Prototyping for the automotive, aerospace and energy sectors
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The automotive sector is the historical business of Bestechnologies.
Bestechnologies is proud to have worked in automotive business for the last 20 years and proud to have found a way to still be a part of it even with the challenges that come with the automotive business. Our services and our reactivity are today recognized in the automotive business and we are willing to keep on accompanying our customers.

Fast growth of aeronautic market and its high technical level have been levers in order to continue our progression.

Aware of the challenge to come in the following years in the energy business and nature preservation.
Latest generation equipment
Serving the best of our customers and offering them the best possible productivity is one of our prides.
For this purpose, Bestechnologies continually invests in order to benefit from the latest production and design technologies.

European Partner
Located in the center of Europe and close to the major transport infrastructure (Highways and airports) the company is since 15 years an international one.
Our tools, checking fixtures and prototypes are today distributed at European scale. From UK to Russia, we work closely with our customer to help them with their international growth.
Since 2018, more than half of our turnover is created outside our borders.
Best Performances
Serve our customers at our best and offer them the best productivity is one of our prides. In order to do that, Bestechnologies invests continuously to benefit from the latest technologies related to manufacturing and designing.
Our recent machinery and our design, management and programming are fully integrated in order to control all aspects of our production process.
We use the latest cutting tools and always remain vigilant about new technologies.
Numerical tools are completely integrated to our workflow.
Our first preoccupation is to always follow the latest technological evolution to be able to provide to our customer the best compromise between technical and economic aspects of tooling.